I should have started blogging when it was popular. Or, no, scratch that. I shouldn’t, because then I was young and cared about strange stuff, like being popular and doing things that other people like. Now I’m old and just write about whatever. It feels good.

I do feel bad on missing out on a lot of the communities though. So what I’ve done, is set up an rss feed of interesting blogs, which is about the only way I’ll remember to check blogs. I really should put one up for the few webcomics I still read. But anyway.

The plan is to actually read other people’s blogs more, get inspired, write my own posts, and credit the inspirations. What I’m trying to say is this: Feel free to recommend good blogs, and I’ll make sure to check them out. Do it in the comments, or some other way. Please.

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Do correct me if I am wrong about something