Category: TTRPG

  • Another glorious day in the corps

    I had a couple of days to prepare to run a game for some 20 hours for 3 or 4 people, and I chose to run Destroyer of worlds from Free League for their Alien system. This is something as unusual on this blog as a review of something I’ve actually gamemastered, so I’ll just…

  • Dice

    I love dice. This does not make me an outlier in the ttrpg-sphere, if I understand my social media feeds and meme collection correctly. I also have too many dice. I bet I haven’t even used a whole bunch of them. Bought them, threw them in the box/sack/cabinet and there they are, deteriorating, maybe losing…

  • About 20 years late

    I should have started blogging when it was popular. Or, no, scratch that. I shouldn’t, because then I was young and cared about strange stuff, like being popular and doing things that other people like. Now I’m old and just write about whatever. It feels good. I do feel bad on missing out on a…

  • Symphony of enchanted lands

    Right, I know that some people don’t like having music when they play, but those people are wrong so let’s just ignore them. This part of the blog could be called something like “Best game session albums of all time (40+ edition) but I chose to go with album titles for each post instead, because…

  • Games that I bought in 2023 and didn’t play. Yet.

    First off, I’ve probably bought some bundles, but those won’t be listed here because that would feel like cheating, and no-one likes a cheater. Ryuutama First off, this game is gorgeous. The quality of the book is just amazing, thick pages, colorful art, and just the right size. I like a book that feels right.…

  • Cities are for capital pt 1 – violence

    Cities are a common place in a lot of roleplaying games, but what is actually the point of cities? I’d say that it differes a lot depending on what sort of world we are playing in. A feudal city does not have the same purpuse as a cyberpunk city, just as a modern city is…

  • All quests are fetch quests

    Fetch quests: “A Fetch Quest is a subquest of the overreaching plot which must be completed in order to trigger a vital Event Flag. Find a key, save a kid lost in the cave, defeat the monster attacking the town, rescue the trapped workers, resolve an Adventure Town’s problem … each of these is a…

  • A table of trees

    So you’ve lured your players out in the woods, you tell them they walk through the forest, and then someone has to ask “what kind of trees are there?” Well, don’t worry, here is a handy table of no less than 10 trees in the temperate zone: Roll 1d10 Tree 1 Oak 2 Birch 3…

  • A randomized writing prompt

    Wow that is a long title for what will probably be a short post. I got a tip over at (It’s a mastodon server, check it out if you want to or don’t check it out I’m not the boss of you) for a command line shuffler that went through my ttrpg folder and…

  • I tried to play AD&D 2nd edition

    In my gaming, I like trying out new stuff, and often buy a product for a one-off session. Sometimes I happen to buy some old stuff to try out as well. I never got into D&D until 3rd edition. My group in the late 90’s played an unholy bastardization of BRP, AD&D and the Swedish…